Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pizza Hut
I don't normally order/eat pizza. I love Asian food. Plus tomato sauce does not agree with me. When I crave a pizza, it's usually for a thick deep dish from Lou Malnati's, a stuffed pizza from Giordano's or a thin crust pizza from Lucca Grill. But San Diego does not offer anything nearly as good as any of those places. It's been one big pizza let down after another here.
Pizza Hut is having their $10 anything pizza special. We had to take advantage of it. I wanted to stroll down memory lane. When I was a young child, my parents would take us for pizza as a treat. I remember those days when my parents would load all of us kids into the car and drive to the Pizza Hut. I only remembered having the supreme pan pizza. While our pizzas were being made, my parents would give me and my brother quarters to play video games. I think the games that were popular then were Space Invaders, Galaga, Frogger, Centipede, and Donkey Kong.
Once the pizzas were served, we would go get seated and start eating. I was never brave enough to sprinkle the grated parmesan cheese or pepper flakes on my pizza back then. I have no idea why not. I had eaten grasshoppers and snails at an early age, but grated cheese and pepper flakes scared me, hehe.
I think Pizza Hut changed their pan dough recipe since I was a kid. Didn't taste the same. It did taste 'good' though. It was almost like being a little girl again standing next to my brother as he played Space Invaders, the aroma of our pan pizzas cooking, as our parents watched Pizza Hut. I sure miss those days.