San Diego, CA 92115
(619) 582-8999
Last weekend I was craving Lao food so I went to United Oriental Food Market. I like it because they are the only grocery store (that I've been to)that sells laap (beef and pork), tam mak hung, keng noh mai, mok pa, and other Lao dishes. This is great for when I don't feel like cooking. Plus around the corner on 54th St. there is a restaurant that sells roast pork.
I got a small order of tam mak hung (papaya salad). It was made right in front of me. I ordered a mild version. It was just spicy enough with lots of slices of tomatoes, but I would've preferred more lime juice. I like eating tam mak hung with pork rinds, pak boong(water spinach), or ngo gai(saw leaf herb).
This is the next dish I picked out. I don't remember what it's called. Maybe someone can tell me. It's shredded bamboo in a yanang leaf sauce garnished with sesame seed and cilantro. I like eating this with slices of eggplant.
This last thing I got was sai oua(pork sausage). It almost tasted like the sausage my mom and dad would make for special occasions. My parents made the sausages with kiffir lime leaves, lemon grass, and coriander root. Well, those were the flavors I could taste. The version from United Oriental Food Market came close. I like my sausages slightly sweet. My mom liked them more sour. She would hang them up to dry before storing them in the freezer or cooking them.
I also got all of that and a container of sticky rice. Everything tasted great.